Our Mission
It is our mission to provide survivors of domestic and dating violence with the opportunity to create safer, more stable lives for themselves and their children by providing in-depth, professionally supported, comprehensive services. This work is carried out through multi-disciplinary collaboration, compassionate advocacy and is driven by the highest standards of excellence.
Our Vision
Our vision is to provide a safe location where the needs of survivors are met, where children are protected, where violence stops, where families heal and thrive, where hope is realized and where professionals all work together.
Our History
In the fall of 2018, as part of the 2018 Justice Reinvestment Act, Gov. John Bel Edwards announced the award for victims services grants, earmarking a portion of these funds to establish a Family Justice Center to serve East Baton Rouge and surrounding communities. Throughout 2019, a Planning Committee convened and community partnership meetings were held. In March 2019, the Board of Directors held its first meeting. In August 2019, the Capital Area Family Justice Center (CAFJC) secured its 501(c)3 nonprofit status with the IRS and was officially incorporated. In October 2020, the CAFJC opened its doors and began serving victims and survivors.
The Family Justice Center Model
The Family Justice Center model is based on the San Diego Family Justice Center that opened in 2002. The model is identified as a best practice in domestic violence intervention and prevention services. Its documented and published outcomes include reduced homicides, increased victim safety, increased autonomy and empowerment for victims, reduced fear and anxiety for victims and their children, reduced recantation and minimization by victims when wrapped in services and support, increased efficiency in collaborative services to victims among service providers, increased prosecution of offenders, and dramatically increased community support for services to victims and their children (See Casey Gwinn, Gael Strack, Hope for Hurting Families: Creating Family Justice Centers Across America (Volcano Press 2006).
Service Pledges
We promise to:
- Provide survivor-centered services
- Provide community outreach and education
- Create an atmosphere and culture of empowerment
- Enhance partner collaboration and excellence
Confidentiality Pledge
At CAFJC, we understand that maintaining a client’s confidentiality is paramount to a client’s safety.
We pledge to clients’ confidences and will not disclose (including to other project personnel) any information regarding a client without express permission, preferably in writing. We will not discuss client matters in public spaces, including hallways or open offices and/or conference rooms at the CAFJC. We will not publicly acknowledge a client without his/her express permission.
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Nondiscrimination Notice
The Capital Area Family Justice Center (CAFJC) complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity). CAFJC does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity).